########### # Prompts ########################################################### ########### more := force_more_message more = more += Your scales start more += Careful! more += Found a gateway leading out of the Abyss more += Found .* abyssal rune of Zot more += You are starting to lose your buoyancy more += You start to feel a little slower more += Your transformation is almost over more += You have a feeling this form more += You feel yourself come back to life more += You fall through a shaft more += The alarm trap emits a blaring wail more += You lose control over your flight more += You start to feel a little uncertain more += time is quickly running out more += life is in your own hands more += dispelling energy hits you more += You convulse more += god:(sends|finds|silent|anger) more += divine experience more += You have finished your manual more += You are (blasted|electrocuted)! more += Your surroundings flicker more += The writing blurs in front of your eyes more += Space warps.* around you more += Space bends around you more += The blast of calcifying dust hits you show_more = false default_manual_training = true clear_messages = true ################ # Inscriptions ######################################################## ################ autoinscribe += distortion:!w autoinscribe += potion.*mutation:!q autoinscribe += potion.*berserk rage:!q autoinscribe += scroll.*torment:!r autoinscribe += scroll.*silence:!r autoinscribe += slaying:mikee autoinscribe += of faith:!P autoinscribe += rod of:!a autoinscribe += staff of (Wucad Mu|energy|channeling|wizardry|power):!a autoinscribe += staff of (conjuration|summoning|poison):!a