bindkey = [é] CMD_INSCRIBE_ITEM bindkey = [§] CMD_DISPLAY_RELIGION bindkey = [è] CMD_DISPLAY_KNOWN_OBJECTS bindkey = [ç] CMD_DISPLAY_RUNES bindkey = [à] CMD_LIST_ARMOUR bindkey = [)] CMD_SEARCH_STASHES #Moving one grid into a given direction: bindkey = [f] CMD_MOVE_LEFT bindkey = [r] CMD_MOVE_UP_LEFT bindkey = [t] CMD_MOVE_UP bindkey = [y] CMD_MOVE_UP_RIGHT bindkey = [h] CMD_MOVE_RIGHT bindkey = [n] CMD_MOVE_DOWN_RIGHT bindkey = [b] CMD_MOVE_DOWN bindkey = [v] CMD_MOVE_DOWN_LEFT bindkey = [f] CMD_TARGET_LEFT bindkey = [r] CMD_TARGET_UP_LEFT bindkey = [t] CMD_TARGET_UP bindkey = [y] CMD_TARGET_UP_RIGHT bindkey = [h] CMD_TARGET_RIGHT bindkey = [n] CMD_TARGET_DOWN_RIGHT bindkey = [b] CMD_TARGET_DOWN bindkey = [v] CMD_TARGET_DOWN_LEFT bindkey = [f] CMD_MAP_MOVE_LEFT bindkey = [r] CMD_MAP_MOVE_UP_LEFT bindkey = [t] CMD_MAP_MOVE_UP bindkey = [y] CMD_MAP_MOVE_UP_RIGHT bindkey = [h] CMD_MAP_MOVE_RIGHT bindkey = [n] CMD_MAP_MOVE_DOWN_RIGHT bindkey = [b] CMD_MAP_MOVE_DOWN bindkey = [v] CMD_MAP_MOVE_DOWN_LEFT #Moving into a given direction until interrupted: bindkey = [F] CMD_RUN_LEFT bindkey = [R] CMD_RUN_UP_LEFT bindkey = [T] CMD_RUN_UP bindkey = [Y] CMD_RUN_UP_RIGHT bindkey = [H] CMD_RUN_RIGHT bindkey = [N] CMD_RUN_DOWN_RIGHT bindkey = [B] CMD_RUN_DOWN bindkey = [V] CMD_RUN_DOWN_LEFT bindkey = [F] CMD_TARGET_DIR_LEFT bindkey = [R] CMD_TARGET_DIR_UP_LEFT bindkey = [T] CMD_TARGET_DIR_UP bindkey = [Y] CMD_TARGET_DIR_UP_RIGHT bindkey = [H] CMD_TARGET_DIR_RIGHT bindkey = [N] CMD_TARGET_DIR_DOWN_RIGHT bindkey = [B] CMD_TARGET_DIR_DOWN bindkey = [V] CMD_TARGET_DIR_DOWN_LEFT bindkey = [F] CMD_MAP_JUMP_LEFT bindkey = [R] CMD_MAP_JUMP_UP_LEFT bindkey = [T] CMD_MAP_JUMP_UP bindkey = [Y] CMD_MAP_JUMP_UP_RIGHT bindkey = [H] CMD_MAP_JUMP_RIGHT bindkey = [N] CMD_MAP_JUMP_DOWN_RIGHT bindkey = [B] CMD_MAP_JUMP_DOWN bindkey = [V] CMD_MAP_JUMP_DOWN_LEFT #Attacking in a given direction without moving: bindkey = [^F] CMD_ATTACK_LEFT bindkey = [^R] CMD_ATTACK_UP_LEFT bindkey = [^T] CMD_ATTACK_UP bindkey = [^Y] CMD_ATTACK_UP_RIGHT bindkey = [^H] CMD_ATTACK_RIGHT bindkey = [^N] CMD_ATTACK_DOWN_RIGHT bindkey = [^B] CMD_ATTACK_DOWN bindkey = [^V] CMD_ATTACK_DOWN_LEFT bindkey = [j] CMD_FIRE bindkey = [J] CMD_THROW_ITEM_NO_QUIVER bindkey = [l] CMD_READ bindkey = [L] CMD_REMOVE_JEWELLERY bindkey = [u] CMD_EVOKE bindkey = [U] CMD_EVOKE_WIELDED bindkey = [k] CMD_SHOUT bindkey = [K] CMD_REMOVE_ARMOUR bindkey = [g] CMD_WAIT some of the following # lines by removing the beginning '#' to include some of the other files in # this folder. # Some useful, more advanced options, implemented in LUA. # include = advanced_optioneering.txt # Alternative vi bindings for Dvorak users. # include = dvorak_command_keys.txt # Alternative vi bindings for Colemak users. # include = colemak_command_keys.txt # Override the vi movement keys with a non-command. # include = no_vi_command_keys.txt # Turn the shift-vi keys into safe move, instead of run. # include = safe_move_shift.txt ##### Ancient versions ############################################## # If you're used to the interface of ancient versions of Crawl, you may # get back parts of it by uncommenting the following options: # include = 034_command_keys.txt # And to revert monster glyph and colouring changes: # include = 034_monster_glyphs.txt # include = 052_monster_glyphs.txt # include = 060_monster_glyphs.txt # include = 071_monster_glyphs.txt # include = 080_monster_glyphs.txt # include = 0.9_monster_glyphs.txt # include = 0.12_monster_glyphs.txt # include = 0.13_monster_glyphs.txt # include = 0.14_monster_glyphs.txt