# TEAMCAPTAIN Sedillia ##### Crawl Init file ############################################### # For descriptions of all options, as well as some more in-depth information # on setting them, consult the file # options_guide.txt # in your /docs directory. If you can't find it, the file is also available # online at: # https://github.com/crawl/crawl/blob/master/crawl-ref/docs/options_guide.txt # # Crawl uses the first file of the following list as its option file: # * init.txt in the -rcdir directory (if specified) # * .crawlrc in the -rcdir directory (if specified) # * init.txt (in the Crawl directory) # * ~/.crawl/init.txt (Unix only) # * ~/.crawlrc (Unix only) # * ~/init.txt (Unix only) # * settings/init.txt (in the Crawl directory) ##### Some basic explanation of option syntax ####################### # Lines beginning with '#' are comments. The basic syntax is: # # field = value or field.subfield = value # # Only one specification is allowed per line. # # The terms are typically case-insensitive except in the fairly obvious # cases (the character's name and specifying files or directories when # on a system that has case-sensitive filenames). # # White space is stripped from the beginning and end of the line, as # well as immediately before and after the '='. If the option allows # multiple comma/semicolon-separated terms (such as # autopickup_exceptions), all whitespace around the separator is also # trimmed. All other whitespace is left intact. # # There are three broad types of Crawl options: true/false values (booleans), # arbitrary values, and lists of values. The first two types use only the # simple =, with later options - which includes your options that are different # from the defaults - overriding earlier ones. List options allow using +=, ^=, # -=, and = to append, prepend, remove, and reset, respectively. Usually you will # want to use += to add to a list option. Lastly, there is := which you can use # to create an alias, like so: # ae := autopickup_exceptions # From there on, 'ae' will be treated as if it you typed autopickup_exceptions, # so you can save time typing it. # ##### Other files ################################################### # You can include other files from your options file using the 'include' # option. Crawl will treat it as if you copied the whole text of that file # into your options file in that spot. You can uncomment some of the following # lines by removing the beginning '#' to include some of the other files in # this folder. # Some useful, more advanced options, implemented in LUA. # include = advanced_optioneering.txt # Alternative vi bindings for Dvorak users. # include = dvorak_command_keys.txt # Alternative vi bindings for Colemak users. # include = colemak_command_keys.txt # Alternative vi bindings for Neo users. # include = neo_command_keys.txt # Override the vi movement keys with a non-command. # include = no_vi_command_keys.txt # Turn the shift-vi keys into safe move, instead of run. # include = safe_move_shift.txt ##### Ancient versions ############################################## # If you're used to the interface of ancient versions of Crawl, you may # get back parts of it by uncommenting the following options: # include = 034_command_keys.txt # And to revert monster glyph and colouring changes: # include = 052_monster_glyphs.txt # include = 060_monster_glyphs.txt # include = 071_monster_glyphs.txt # include = 080_monster_glyphs.txt # include = 0.9_monster_glyphs.txt # include = 0.12_monster_glyphs.txt # include = 0.13_monster_glyphs.txt # include = 0.14_monster_glyphs.txt confirm_butcher = never auto_eat_chunks = true tile_menu_icons = false default_manual_training = true autofight_stop = 70 runrest_stop_message += Your transformation is almost over runrest_stop_message += Your icy armour starts to melt # Skill menu at game start by rwbarton { local need_skills_opened = true function ready() if you.turns() == 0 and need_skills_opened then need_skills_opened = false crawl.sendkeys("m") end end } ## Pickup aux armour you haven't found yet. Does not work { local function autopickup(it, name) local class = it.class(true) if class == "armour" then local good_slots = {cloak="Cloak", helmet="Helmet", gloves="Gloves", boots="Boots"} st, _ = it.subtype() if good_slots[st] ~= nil and items.equipped_at(good_slots[st]) == nil then return true end end return false end } # ------------------------------------------------ # AUTOMATIC # ------------------------------------------------ # -bind macro- # ===CrystalTap -for crystal of energy # ===MagicTap -for Sif, ChannelStaff, WucadMoo # ===Rebuff -for sequential rebuff # -Crystal ball of energy SLOT- : local CrystalBall_butt = "e" # -Source of MP channeling- # TapSource = 1-SifMuna # TapSource = 2-Staff # TapSource = 3-WucadMu : local TapSource = 3 # -Count of rebuff spells- : local buffs_count = 3 # -Track experience change- : local exp_tracker = true # -High damage taking warning- : local dmg_track = true # ------------------------------------------------ : local ChannelStaff_Slot = 1 : local CrystalBall_mp = 0 : local botstatus = "none" : local rebuff_order = 0 : local tapturns = 0 : local BeforeTapWeap_Slot = -1 : local old_xl = 0 : local old_xl_progress = 0 : local dmg_old_hp = 0 # ------------------------------------------------ # IN GAME BINDS # ------------------------------------------------ : function MagicTap_Key() : if TapSource == 1 then : send_orders('a') : send_orders('d') : end : if TapSource == 2 then : send_orders("V" .. items.index_to_letter(ChannelStaff_Slot)) : end : if TapSource == 3 then : send_orders("v") : end : end # ------------------------------------------------ : function Rebuff_Key(i) : if i == 1 then : send_orders('z') : send_orders('w') : end : if i == 2 then : send_orders('z') : send_orders('y') : end : if i == 3 then : send_orders('z') : send_orders('r') : end : end # ------------------------------------------------ # EVERY TURN FUNCTION # ------------------------------------------------ < function ready() if botstatus == "crystalball2" then if you.mp() > (CrystalBall_mp + 1) then say("Crystal ball of energy: +" .. (you.mp() - CrystalBall_mp) .. "MP.") else say("Fail.") end botstatus = "none" end if botstatus == "crystalball" then botstatus = "crystalball2" end if botstatus == "magictap" then MagicTap_step() if TapSource == 1 or TapSource == 3 then crawl.delay(50) end end if botstatus == "rebuff" then Rebuff_step() crawl.delay(50) end if dmg_track == true then DmgTrack() end if exp_tracker == true then ExpChangeTrack() end end > # ------------------------------------------------ # MP CHANNEL # ------------------------------------------------ : function MagicTap() : local bot_mp, bot_mmp = you.mp() : local FeW = -1 : if FindEnemy(false) == 0 then : botstatus = "magictap" : tapturns = 0 : if TapSource == 2 or TapSource == 3 then BeforeTapWeap_Slot = FindEquipedWeapon() end : else : if bot_mp == bot_mmp then : say("Full of magic") : else : if TapSource == 2 then : FeW = FindEquipedWeapon() : if FeW > -1 and string.find(items.inslot(FeW).name(),"staff of channeling") then : MagicTap_Key() : else : Weird_ChannelStaff(TapSource) : end : end : if TapSource == 3 then : FeW = FindEquipedWeapon() : if FeW > -1 and string.find(items.inslot(FeW).name(),"Staff of Wucad Mu") then : MagicTap_Key() : else : Weird_ChannelStaff(TapSource) : end : end : if TapSource == 1 then : MagicTap_Key() : end : end : end : end # ------------------------------------------------ : function MagicTap_step() : local bot_mp, bot_mmp = you.mp() : if bot_mp < bot_mmp and FindEnemy(true) == 0 then : tapturns = tapturns + 1 : if tapturns == 1 and (TapSource == 2 or TapSource == 3) then : Weird_ChannelStaff(TapSource) : else : MagicTap_Key() : end : else : botstatus = "none" : if bot_mp == bot_mmp then : if tapturns == 0 then : say("Full of magic") : else : if BeforeTapWeap_Slot > -1 then : send_orders("w" .. items.index_to_letter(BeforeTapWeap_Slot)) : BeforeTapWeap_Slot = -1 : tapturns = tapturns + 1 : botstatus = "magictap" : else : say("Full of magic, for " .. tapturns .. " turns") : tapturns = 0 : end : end : end : end : end # ------------------------------------------------ : function Weird_ChannelStaff(ts) : if Correct_ChannelStaff(ts) then : send_orders("w" .. items.index_to_letter(ChannelStaff_Slot)) : else : if ts == 2 then : say("Have no staff of channeling!") : end : if ts == 3 then : say("Have no Staff of Wucad Mu!") : end : botstatus = "none" : end : end # ------------------------------------------------ : function Correct_ChannelStaff(ts) : local i : local sFind = false : if ts == 2 then SourceName = "staff of channeling" end : if ts == 3 then SourceName = "Staff of Wucad Mu" end : if items.inslot(ChannelStaff_Slot) and string.find(items.inslot(ChannelStaff_Slot).name(), SourceName) then : sFind = true : else : for i = 0,51 do : it = items.inslot(i) : if it then : if string.find(it.name(), SourceName) then : sFind = true : ChannelStaff_Slot = i : end : end : end : end : return sFind : end # ------------------------------------------------ : function CrystalTap() : local bot_mp, bot_mmp = you.mp() : if bot_mp == bot_mmp then : say("Full of magic") : else : if items.inslot(items.letter_to_index(CrystalBall_butt)) and string.find(items.inslot(items.letter_to_index(CrystalBall_butt)).name(),"crystal ball of energy") then : if bot_mp < (bot_mmp*0.26) then : crawl.formatted_mpr("Use crystall ball of energy at " .. bot_mp .. " MP? (y/n) need " .. math.ceil(bot_mmp*0.26) .." MP." ) : crawl.flush_prev_message() : local res = crawl.getch() : if string.lower(string.char(res)) == "y" then : send_orders("V" .. CrystalBall_butt) : botstatus = "crystalball" : CrystalBall_mp = bot_mp : else : say("Okay, then.") : end : else : send_orders("V" .. CrystalBall_butt) : botstatus = "crystalball" : CrystalBall_mp = bot_mp : end : else : say("Have no crystal ball of energy at [" .. CrystalBall_butt .. "] slot!") : end : end : end # ------------------------------------------------ # DAMAGE TRACK # ------------------------------------------------ : function DmgTrack() : local bot_hp, bot_mhp = you.hp() : local dmg_inturn = 0 : local huge_int = 0 : local percent_hp = 0 : local percent_old_hp = 0 : local percent_hp_txt = "--%" : if dmg_old_hp > 0 then : if bot_hp < dmg_old_hp then : dmg_inturn = dmg_old_hp - bot_hp : percent_old_hp = math.ceil((dmg_old_hp*100)/bot_mhp) : percent_hp = math.ceil((bot_hp*100)/bot_mhp) : percent_hp_txt = percent_hp .. "%" : if percent_hp < 30 then : percent_hp_txt = "" .. percent_hp_txt .. "" : elseif percent_hp < 55 then : percent_hp_txt = "" .. percent_hp_txt .. "" : elseif percent_hp < 75 then : percent_hp_txt = "" .. percent_hp_txt .. "" : end : percent_hp_txt = percent_hp_txt .. "(" .. bot_hp .. "hp)" : if dmg_inturn > (bot_hp*0.25) then : say("Huge Dmg: -" .. (percent_old_hp-percent_hp) .. "%(-" .. dmg_inturn .. "hp)" .. " hp: " .. percent_hp_txt) : dmg_old_hp = bot_hp : crawl.flush_prev_message() : crawl.more() : crawl.more_autoclear(true) : else : if dmg_inturn > (bot_hp*0.15) then : say("Dmg: -" .. (percent_old_hp-percent_hp) .. "%(-" .. dmg_inturn .. "hp)" .. " hp: " .. percent_hp_txt) : else : say("Dmg: -" .. (percent_old_hp-percent_hp) .. "%(-" .. dmg_inturn .. "hp)" .. " hp: " .. percent_hp_txt) : end : end : crawl.flush_prev_message() : end : end : dmg_old_hp = bot_hp : end # ------------------------------------------------ # EXP TRACK # ------------------------------------------------ : function ExpChangeTrack() : local cur_xl = you.xl() : local cur_xl_progress = you.xl_progress() : local cur_change = 0 : local add_percent = 0 : local add_txt="" : if old_xl > 0 and cur_xl < 27 then : if not (old_xl == cur_xl and old_xl_progress == cur_xl_progress) then : add_percent = math.abs((cur_xl*100+cur_xl_progress) - (old_xl*100+old_xl_progress)) : if add_percent < 4 then : add_txt="~" : end : cur_change = GetExpirience(cur_xl,cur_xl_progress) - GetExpirience(old_xl,old_xl_progress) : if cur_change > 0 then : say("Exp: " .. add_txt .. cur_change .. "(" .. add_percent .. "%)") : elseif cur_change < 0 then : say("Drained exp: " .. add_txt .. cur_change .. "(" .. add_percent .. "%)") : end : crawl.flush_prev_message() : end : end : old_xl = cur_xl : old_xl_progress = cur_xl_progress : end # ------------------------------------------------ : function GetExpirience(level,l_progress) : local exp_points = 0 : local ExpTable = { : [1] = '0', : [2] = '10', : [3] = '30', : [4] = '70', : [5] = '140', : [6] = '270', : [7] = '520', : [8] = '1010', : [9] = '1980', : [10] = '3910', : [11] = '7760', : [12] = '15450', : [13] = '29000', : [14] = '48500', : [15] = '74000', : [16] = '105500', : [17] = '143000', : [18] = '186500', : [19] = '236000', : [20] = '291500', : [21] = '353000', : [22] = '420500', : [23] = '494000', : [24] = '573500', : [25] = '659000', : [26] = '750500', : [27] = '848000'} : exp_points = math.ceil((ExpTable[level+1] - ExpTable[level]) * l_progress / 100) : exp_points = ExpTable[level] + exp_points : return exp_points : end # ------------------------------------------------ # REBUFF # ------------------------------------------------ : function Rebuff() : rebuff_order = 0 : if botstatus == "none" then : botstatus = "rebuff" : end : end # ------------------------------------------------ : function Rebuff_step() : if FindEnemy(true) == 0 then : rebuff_order = rebuff_order + 1 : if rebuff_order > buffs_count then : botstatus = "none" : rebuff_order = 0 : say("Rebuff") : else : Rebuff_Key(rebuff_order) : end : else : botstatus = "none" : rebuff_order = 0 : end : end # ------------------------------------------------ # UTILS # ------------------------------------------------ : function FindEnemy(txt) : local x, y : local r = 8 : local i = 0 : local mname = "" : for x = -r,r do : for y = -r,r do : m = monster.get_monster_at(x, y) : if m and not m:is_safe() then : i = i + 1 : if i == 1 then : mname = m:desc() : else : mname = mname .. ", " .. m:desc() : end : end : end : end : if i > 0 then : if txt == true then : say("Enemy in LOS: " .. mname .. "") : end : end : return i : end # ------------------------------------------------ : function say(x) : crawl.mpr(x) : end # ------------------------------------------------ : function send_orders(command) : crawl.flush_input() : crawl.sendkeys(command) : crawl.flush_input() : end # ------------------------------------------------ : function FindEquipedWeapon() : local i : local it : local wfind = -1 : for i = 0,51 do : it = items.inslot(i) : if it and it.equipped and it.equip_type == 0 then : wfind = i : end : end : return wfind : end # ------------------------------------------------ : function stest() : mtest() : end # ------------------------------------------------ : function mtest() : local x, y : local r = 8 : local i = 0 : local xxx : for x = -r,r do : for y = -r,r do : m = monster.get_monster_at(x, y) : if m then : say("desc-" .. m:desc()) : say("Threat-" .. m:threat()) : say("attitude-" .. m:attitude()) : say("mname-" .. m:mname()) : say("type-" .. m:type()) : say("base_type-" .. m:base_type()) : say("number-" .. m:number()) : say("colour-" .. m:colour()) : say("damage_level-" .. m:damage_level()) : say("damage_desc-" .. m:damage_desc()) : crawl.flush_prev_message() : end : end : end : end # ------------------------------------------------ #!!!##################### Invisible ########### force_more_message = It hits you force_more_message = It misses you force_more_message = It closely misses you force_more_message = It completely misses you force_more_message = You block its attack more += A sentinel's mark forms upon you more += (brimstone fiend|Nikola|moth of wrath|floating eye|curse toe).*into view more += You turn into a