< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local move_careful = false local reset_more_message_options = false local autopickup_is_on = true function r_meta_move_careful() --the only function actually called in ready(), to see the order here r_tell_time() r_autopickup_is_on() r_chk_vis_invis() r_move_careful() end function toggle_move_careful() --better name would be toggle_move_carful_on() --crawl.mpr("moving carefully...") move_careful = true --crawl.setopt("force_more_message -= into view") crawl.setopt("force_more_message += You are feeling hungry") crawl.mpr("No danger in sight...") end function toggle_move_careful_off() move_careful = false reset_more_message_options = true crawl.more() crawl.mpr("!") end function r_move_careful() --force more if danger starts --move careful, aka explore manually. Also used to decide whether it is safe to equip things if reset_more_message_options then --reset to default: Here used when there is danger reset_more_message_options = false --crawl.setopt("force_more_message += into view") crawl.setopt("force_more_message -= You are feeling hungry") end --local detected=false if move_careful then if (not(you.feel_safe()) or you.silenced()) then toggle_move_careful_off() --this also sends a --more-- else -- for x = -7,7 do -- for y = -7,7 do -- if view.invisible_monster(x,y) then -- toggle_move_careful_off() -- detected=true -- break -- end -- end -- if detected then detected=false break end --end if not(autopickup_is_on) then toggle_move_careful_off() end end else if (you.feel_safe() and not(you.silenced())) then if autopickup_is_on then toggle_move_careful() else crawl.mpr("AP is off.",4) end end end end function r_chk_vis_invis() --react to "indirectly" visible invisible monster --r_autopickup_is_on() should run before this in ready() local detected=false if autopickup_is_on then for x = -7,7 do for y = -7,7 do if view.invisible_monster(x,y) then --this code is the reaction crawl.mpr("There is something invisible around!") if autopickup_is_on then crawl.mpr("lua detected that AP should be OFF:") crawl.do_commands({"CMD_TOGGLE_AUTOPICKUP"}) if crawl.messages(1):find(".utopickup is now on") then crawl.mpr("lua corrects itself:") crawl.do_commands({"CMD_TOGGLE_AUTOPICKUP"}) end autopickup_is_on=false end detected=true break end end if detected then detected=false break end end end end local last_time_told=1000*math.floor(you.time()/1000) function r_tell_time() if (you.time()>last_time_told+1000) then last_time_told=1000*math.floor(you.time()/1000) crawl.mpr(tostring(last_time_told/10).." turns") end end local msgs="" local just_toggled_ap=false function r_autopickup_is_on() local a=0 local b=0 local c=0 local d=0 local e=0 local f=0 local g=0 local h=0 for n = 1,4 do if n==4 and not(just_toggled_ap) then crawl.do_commands({"CMD_TOGGLE_AUTOPICKUP","CMD_TOGGLE_AUTOPICKUP"}) just_toggled_ap=true msgs=crawl.messages(20) else if n==4 then msgs=crawl.messages(800) else msgs=crawl.messages(n*200) msgs=msgs:match(tostring(last_time_told/10).." turns.+") if not(msgs==nil) then break end end end end msgs=msgs:reverse() a,b=(msgs):find( ("]Dd[eactivating autopickup. reactivate with Ctrl.A"):reverse() ) --pattern syntax has to be reversed! a,c=(msgs):find( (".utopickup is now off"):reverse() ) a,d=(msgs):find( (".utopickup is now on"):reverse() ) a,e=(msgs):find( ("Reactivating autopickup"):reverse() ) a,f=(msgs):find( (".omething?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?. misses youp%"):reverse() ) a,h=(msgs):find( ("You feel you are being watched by somethingp%"):reverse() ) a,g=(msgs):find( (".elcome back-.ress . for a list of commands and other information"):reverse() ) a=math.min(nil_is_7000(b),nil_is_7000(c),nil_is_7000(d),nil_is_7000(e)) if b==a or c==a then if autopickup_is_on then autopickup_is_on = false crawl.mpr("lua detected that AP is OFF") end else if d==a or e==a then autopickup_is_on = true end end f=math.min(nil_is_7000(f),nil_is_7000(h)) if (fremind_start+1500 then if you.time()+10>remind_start+230 then --crawl.mpr("time to eat!") crawl.mpr("Reminder reminding you to do the thing!",4) reminding = false crawl.more() end end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local restingf = false local restingf_start=0 local restingf_end=0 local restingf_till_reminding=false function rest_for(n) restingf = true restingf_start=you.time() restingf_end=restingf_start+n if reminding then restingf_till_reminding=true end crawl.mpr("You start resting...") end function r_rest_for() local hp, mhp = you.hp() local mp, mmp = you.mp() if restingf then local resting_useless=( (hp==mhp or you.status("non-regenerating")) and mp==mmp and you.contaminated()==0 and you.swift()==0 and not(you.slowed() or you.confused() or you.breath_timeout() or you.petrifying() or you.teleporting()) ) if not(move_careful) or (not(restingf_till_reminding) and you.time()+10>restingf_end) or resting_useless or you.hunger()<1 or (restingf_till_reminding and not(reminding)) then --or resting_useless then restingf = false restingf_till_reminding=false --crawl.mpr("You stop resting.") if you.time()==restingf_start then crawl.mpr("Actually, you don't start resting.") end else crawl.do_commands({"CMD_WAIT"}) end end end function k_rest_for() rest_for(230) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function rest_with_prompt() local hp, mhp = you.hp() local mp, mmp = you.mp() if (hp==mhp or you.status("non-regenerating")) and mp==mmp and you.contaminated()==0 and you.swift()==0 and not(you.slowed() or you.confused() or you.breath_timeout() or you.petrifying() or you.teleporting()) then if crawl.yesno("Really wait for up to 100 aut?",true) then crawl.do_commands({"CMD_REST"}) else crawl.mpr("You don't start waiting.") end else crawl.do_commands({"CMD_REST"}) end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local super_resting = false function super_rest() super_resting=true --crawl.setopt("rest_wait_both = true") --crawl.setopt("runrest_ignore_message += magic, HP, contam") crawl.setopt("rest_wait_percent = 100") --crawl.do_commands({"CMD_REST"}) rest_with_prompt() end function r_super_rest() --super resting if super_resting then --crawl.setopt("rest_wait_both = false") --crawl.setopt("runrest_ignore_message -= magic, HP, contam") crawl.setopt("rest_wait_percent = 98") super_resting = false end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local just_exploring = false function just_explore() just_exploring=true crawl.setopt("explore_auto_rest = false") crawl.do_commands({"CMD_EXPLORE"}) end function r_just_explore() if just_exploring then crawl.setopt("explore_auto_rest = true") just_exploring=false end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local rest_until_normal_mp = {} rest_until_normal_mp.a = false --if true, run rest_until again rest_until_normal_mp.z = false --if true, the original equip should be reequipped when rested local mp_buff=0 local original_equip={} function rest_until() ----equips staff at p, rings at Y, and then Z, if those are of magical power, then regenerates as if these weren't equipped -- then equips back to old stuff unless you were interrupted by a monster -- basically calls itself in ready() by setting variables ---uses rest_with_prompt(), but could be CMD_REST ofc mp_buff=0 --will be increased according to your equip, so that the function knows how much to rest ------------if you have +mp equip that isn't at slots p, Y or Z, it will not be taken into account; this is a feature. local turn_free=true --will be toggled to false if we equip something local badletters=false --will be toggled to true if you named the ring on your left hand Z or the ring on your right hand Y --the next code blocks check the equip and slots, then equip something if necessary if (not(items.inslot(items.letter_to_index("p"))==nil)) and items.inslot(items.letter_to_index("p")):name()=="staff of power" then if (items.equipped_at(0)==nil) then turn_free=false crawl.process_keys("wp") else if not(items.equipped_at(0):name()=="staff of power") then original_equip.weapon=items.index_to_letter(items.equipped_at(0).slot) turn_free=false crawl.process_keys("wp") end end mp_buff=mp_buff+15 end if turn_free and (not(items.inslot(items.letter_to_index("Y"))==nil)) and items.inslot(items.letter_to_index("Y")):name()=="ring of magical power" then if not(items.equipped_at(8)==nil) and items.index_to_letter(items.equipped_at(8).slot)=="Y" then crawl.mpr("Please assign correct letters for your rings and check your equip.") rest_until_normal_mp.a=false rest_until_normal_mp.z=false badletters=true original_equip={} else if (items.equipped_at(7)==nil) then turn_free=false crawl.process_keys("PY") else if not(items.equipped_at(7):name()=="ring of magical power") then original_equip.lring=items.index_to_letter(items.equipped_at(7).slot) turn_free=false crawl.process_keys("R"..original_equip.lring.."PY") end end mp_buff=mp_buff+9 end end if turn_free and (not(items.inslot(items.letter_to_index("Z"))==nil)) and items.inslot(items.letter_to_index("Z")):name()=="ring of magical power" then if not(items.equipped_at(7)==nil) and items.index_to_letter(items.equipped_at(7).slot)=="Z" then crawl.mpr("Please assign correct letters for your rings and check your equip.") rest_until_normal_mp.a=false rest_until_normal_mp.z=false badletters=true original_equip={} else if (items.equipped_at(8)==nil) then turn_free=false crawl.process_keys("PZ") else if not(items.equipped_at(8):name()=="ring of magical power") then original_equip.rring=items.index_to_letter(items.equipped_at(8).slot) turn_free=false crawl.process_keys("R"..original_equip.rring.."PZ") end end mp_buff=mp_buff+9 end end --now to use the variables we set, and set globals to call the function again in the next turn, if needed: --local hp, mhp = you.hp() local mp, mmp = you.mp() if not(badletters) then if mp_buff==0 then rest_with_prompt() else if turn_free then local percent = math.floor(100*(mmp-mp_buff)/mmp) crawl.setopt("rest_wait_percent = "..percent) rest_until_normal_mp.z=true if not(mp>(mmp-mp_buff-2)) then rest_with_prompt() end else crawl.mpr("equipped something") rest_until_normal_mp.a=true end end end end function r_rest_until() --this runs in ready() local hp, mhp = you.hp() local mp, mmp = you.mp() if rest_until_normal_mp.a then rest_until_normal_mp.a=false rest_until() --CMD_REST in ready() needs to be accepted by pressing the wait-button else if rest_until_normal_mp.z and ( mp>(mmp-mp_buff-2) or not(you.feel_safe()) or not(move_careful) ) then crawl.setopt("rest_wait_percent = 98") if not(you.feel_safe()) or not(move_careful) then rest_until_normal_mp.z=false original_equip={} crawl.mpr("Danger! Your equip may be inadequate!") else if not(original_equip.weapon==nil) then crawl.process_keys("w"..original_equip.weapon) original_equip.weapon=nil else if not(original_equip.lring==nil) then crawl.process_keys("RYP"..original_equip.lring) original_equip.lring=nil else if not(original_equip.rring==nil) then crawl.process_keys("RZP"..original_equip.rring) original_equip.rring=nil else rest_until_normal_mp.z=false end end end end end end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local crystal_ball_notified = false function r_crystal_ball_notify() if (not(items.inslot(items.letter_to_index("c"))==nil)) and items.inslot(items.letter_to_index("c")):name()=="crystal ball of energy" then local mp, mmp = you.mp() local evo = you.skill("evocations") if ( (mp-9)/mmp<(76-2*math.floor(evo))/100 ) then if not(crystal_ball_notified) then crawl.mpr("You need to stay over "..tostring(math.floor(mmp*(76-2*math.floor(evo))/100)+1).." MP to use the crystal ball!",7) crawl.more() crystal_ball_notified = true end else crystal_ball_notified = false end end end --------------------------------------------------- function use_ball() if you.status("vitalised") or crawl.yesno("Really use the crystal ball?",true) then crawl.process_keys("Vc") else crawl.mpr("ok then.",2) end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function evoke_prompt() if (items.equipped_at(0):name()=="+9 staff of Wucad Mu {channel}") then if you.status("vitalised") or crawl.yesno("Really use the Staff of Wucad Mu?",true) then crawl.do_commands({"CMD_EVOKE_WIELDED"}) else crawl.mpr("ok then.",2) end else --crawl.do_commands({"CMD_EVOKE_WIELDED"}) if items.equipped_at(0).is_ranged then crawl.do_commands({"CMD_FIRE"}) else crawl.process_keys("V"..items.index_to_letter(items.equipped_at(0).slot)) end end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function bad_button() crawl.mpr("this button doesn't do anything right now!") crawl.more() end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gourm_reminded=true function r_chk_gourm_fullness() if you.gourmand() then if you.hunger()==6 and not(gourm_reminded) then crawl.mpr("You are no longer engorged.") crawl.more() gourm_reminded=true else if you.hunger()==7 and gourm_reminded then gourm_reminded=false end end end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function wiz_spell_costs() crawl.mpr("spc="..you.skill_cost("spellcasting").." conj="..you.skill_cost("conjurations").." air="..you.skill_cost("air magic").." fire="..you.skill_cost("fire magic").." tl="..you.skill_cost("translocations").." hx="..you.skill_cost("hexes")) crawl.mpr("spc*4="..(4*you.skill_cost("spellcasting")).." conj*3="..(3*you.skill_cost("conjurations")).." air*3+fire*2="..(3*you.skill_cost("air magic")+2*you.skill_cost("fire magic")).. " 4*spc-tl-hx="..(4*you.skill_cost("spellcasting")-you.skill_cost("translocations")-you.skill_cost("hexes"))) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function prompt_orb() local mo=nil local orb_near=false for x=-1,1 do for y=-1,1 do mo=monster.get_monster_at(x,y) if not(mo==nil) and mo:name()=="orb of destruction" then orb_near=true break end end end if not(orb_near) or crawl.yesno("Really cast Orb of destruction?",true) then crawl.process_keys("Zk") else crawl.mpr("ok then.",2) end end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local last_spell_key="f" function Zh() last_spell_key="h" crawl.process_keys("Zh") end function Zj() last_spell_key="j" crawl.process_keys("Zj") end function Zk() last_spell_key="k" --crawl.process_keys("Zk") prompt_orb() end function Zl() last_spell_key="l" crawl.process_keys("Zl") end function Zn() last_spell_key="n" crawl.process_keys("Zn") end function Zm() last_spell_key="m" crawl.process_keys("Zm") end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local need_skills_opened = true ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --ready() runs at the beginning of each turn, before user input ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function ready() if you.turns() == 0 and need_skills_opened then need_skills_opened = false crawl.do_commands({"CMD_DISPLAY_SKILLS"}) end r_meta_move_careful() r_crystal_ball_notify() r_remindMe() r_rest_for() r_super_rest() r_just_explore() r_rest_until() r_chk_gourm_fullness() --r_wiz_test() end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --function c_answer_prompt() --crawl.setopt("channel.prompt = on") --end --not actually used: function ch_start_running(name) if name=="explore" or name=="explore_greedy" then end end > ################################################################################################################ ############# END OF LUA #ß\{223} ^H\{8} ^Ö \{150}\{246} ^J\{10} ^L\{12} ^K\{11} ^Ä \{132}\{228}error ^Ü \{156} macros += M \{11} ===toggle_move_careful macros += M \{8} ===rest_until macros += M \{246} ===just_explore macros += M \{10} ===k_rest_for #macros += M q ===debuggg macros += M \{12} ===remindMe macros += M \{223} ===wiz_spell_costs macros += M v ===evoke_prompt #"K:" default, #"K1:" level-map, #"K2:" targeting or #"K3:" confirmation. #ö 246 #ä 228 #Ö 214 #Ü 220? #W 23 #esc 27 #tab 9 macros += K - < macros += K _ > macros += K < - macros += K > _ macros += K1 - < macros += K1 _ > macros += K1 < - macros += K1 > _ macros += K1 n ] macros += K1 z [ macros += K1 \{246} v macros += K1 q \{23} macros += K2 f ! #space as esc in targeting macros += K2 \{32} \{27} macros += K2 \{228} \{27} macros += K2 \{246} + macros += K2 x !\{1000} #hopefully not actually a key at 1000 macros += M \{1000} ===remindMe macros += K3 y Y macros += M # ' macros += M ' # macros += M + =s #macros += M H 5 #macros += M H ===rest_with_prompt #enter \{13} #happens to be ^M as well macros += M \{13} p macros += M p ===rest_with_prompt macros += M H ===bad_button #ä #macros += M \{228} N! macros += K \{228} ` macros += M N D macros += M h s macros += M a Zh macros += M s Zj #macros += M d Zk macros += M d ===prompt_orb macros += M f Zl macros += M x Zm macros += M y Zn macros += M z Z* #macros += M B A macros += M B ag #macros += M Z a #macros += M Z Vc #place crystal ball at c macros += M Z ===use_ball #macros += M b v macros += M b a macros += M \{220} =i macros += M \{9} * macros += M D e macros += M k k! macros += M * N! #https://github.com/crawl/crawl/blob/master/crawl-ref/source/rltiles/dc-mon.txt tile_player_tile = tile:MONS_SALAMANDER_MYSTIC tile_shield_offsets = 0,-8 #tile_player_tile = tile:MONS_SERVANT_OF_WHISPERS #tile_player_tile = tile:MONS_WIZARD #tile_player_tile = tile:MONS_SPRIGGAN_DEFENDER #tile_lava_col = #552211 tile_lava_col = #440000 #tile_trap_col = #aa6644 tile_trap_col = #aacc00 ##### Crawl Init file ############################################### # For descriptions of all options, as well as some more in-depth information # on setting them, consult the file # options_guide.txt # in your /docs directory. If you can't find it, the file is also available # online at: # https://github.com/crawl/crawl/blob/master/crawl-ref/docs/options_guide.txt # # Crawl uses the first file of the following list as its option file: # * init.txt in the -rcdir directory (if specified) # * .crawlrc in the -rcdir directory (if specified) # * init.txt (in the Crawl directory) # * ~/.crawl/init.txt (Unix only) # * ~/.crawlrc (Unix only) # * ~/init.txt (Unix only) # * settings/init.txt (in the Crawl directory) ##### Some basic explanation of option syntax ####################### # Lines beginning with '#' are comments. The basic syntax is: # # field = value or field.subfield = value # # Only one specification is allowed per line. # # The terms are typically case-insensitive except in the fairly obvious # cases (the character's name and specifying files or directories when # on a system that has case-sensitive filenames). # # White space is stripped from the beginning and end of the line, as # well as immediately before and after the '='. If the option allows # multiple comma/semicolon-separated terms (such as # autopickup_exceptions), all whitespace around the separator is also # trimmed. All other whitespace is left intact. # # There are three broad types of Crawl options: true/false values (booleans), # arbitrary values, and lists of values. The first two types use only the # simple =, with later options - which includes your options that are different # from the defaults - overriding earlier ones. List options allow using +=, ^=, # -=, and = to append, prepend, remove, and reset, respectively. Usually you will # want to use += to add to a list option. Lastly, there is := which you can use # to create an alias, like so: # ae := autopickup_exceptions # From there on, 'ae' will be treated as if it you typed autopickup_exceptions, # so you can save time typing it. # ##### Other files ################################################### # You can include other files from your options file using the 'include' # option. Crawl will treat it as if you copied the whole text of that file # into your options file in that spot. You can uncomment some of the following # lines by removing the beginning '#' to include some of the other files in # this folder. # Some useful, more advanced options, implemented in LUA. # include = advanced_optioneering.txt # Alternative vi bindings for Dvorak users. # include = dvorak_command_keys.txt # Alternative vi bindings for Colemak users. # include = colemak_command_keys.txt # Override the vi movement keys with a non-command. # include = no_vi_command_keys.txt # Turn the shift-vi keys into safe move, instead of run. # include = safe_move_shift.txt ##### Ancient versions ############################################## # If you're used to the interface of ancient versions of Crawl, you may # get back parts of it by uncommenting the following options: # include = 034_command_keys.txt # And to revert monster glyph and colouring changes: # include = 052_monster_glyphs.txt # include = 060_monster_glyphs.txt # include = 071_monster_glyphs.txt # include = 080_monster_glyphs.txt # include = 0.9_monster_glyphs.txt # include = 0.12_monster_glyphs.txt # include = 0.13_monster_glyphs.txt # include = 0.14_monster_glyphs.txt bindkey = [j] CMD_MOVE_LEFT bindkey = [,] CMD_MOVE_DOWN bindkey = [i] CMD_MOVE_UP bindkey = [l] CMD_MOVE_RIGHT bindkey = [u] CMD_MOVE_UP_LEFT bindkey = [o] CMD_MOVE_UP_RIGHT bindkey = [m] CMD_MOVE_DOWN_LEFT bindkey = [.] CMD_MOVE_DOWN_RIGHT bindkey = [J] CMD_RUN_LEFT bindkey = [;] CMD_RUN_DOWN bindkey = [I] CMD_RUN_UP bindkey = [L] CMD_RUN_RIGHT bindkey = [U] CMD_RUN_UP_LEFT bindkey = [O] CMD_RUN_UP_RIGHT bindkey = [M] CMD_RUN_DOWN_LEFT bindkey = [:] CMD_RUN_DOWN_RIGHT bindkey = [j] CMD_TARGET_LEFT bindkey = [,] CMD_TARGET_DOWN bindkey = [i] CMD_TARGET_UP bindkey = [l] CMD_TARGET_RIGHT bindkey = [u] CMD_TARGET_UP_LEFT bindkey = [o] CMD_TARGET_UP_RIGHT bindkey = [m] CMD_TARGET_DOWN_LEFT bindkey = [.] CMD_TARGET_DOWN_RIGHT bindkey = [J] CMD_TARGET_DIR_LEFT bindkey = [;] CMD_TARGET_DIR_DOWN bindkey = [I] CMD_TARGET_DIR_UP bindkey = [L] CMD_TARGET_DIR_RIGHT bindkey = [U] CMD_TARGET_DIR_UP_LEFT bindkey = [O] CMD_TARGET_DIR_UP_RIGHT bindkey = [M] CMD_TARGET_DIR_DOWN_LEFT bindkey = [:] CMD_TARGET_DIR_DOWN_RIGHT bindkey = [j] CMD_MAP_MOVE_LEFT bindkey = [,] CMD_MAP_MOVE_DOWN bindkey = [i] CMD_MAP_MOVE_UP bindkey = [l] CMD_MAP_MOVE_RIGHT bindkey = [u] CMD_MAP_MOVE_UP_LEFT bindkey = [o] CMD_MAP_MOVE_UP_RIGHT bindkey = [m] CMD_MAP_MOVE_DOWN_LEFT bindkey = [.] CMD_MAP_MOVE_DOWN_RIGHT bindkey = [J] CMD_MAP_JUMP_LEFT bindkey = [;] CMD_MAP_JUMP_DOWN bindkey = [I] CMD_MAP_JUMP_UP bindkey = [L] CMD_MAP_JUMP_RIGHT bindkey = [U] CMD_MAP_JUMP_UP_LEFT bindkey = [O] CMD_MAP_JUMP_UP_RIGHT bindkey = [M] CMD_MAP_JUMP_DOWN_LEFT bindkey = [:] CMD_MAP_JUMP_DOWN_RIGHT #bindkey = [b] CMD_EXPLORE #bindkey = [B] CMD_OPEN_DOOR #bindkey = [h] CMD_DISPLAY_INVENTORY #bindkey = [h] CMD_MAP_FIND_STASH #bindkey = [H] CMD_DISPLAY_SPELLS #bindkey = [y] CMD_DISPLAY_RELIGION #bindkey = [Y] CMD_MAKE_NOTE #bindkey = [n] CMD_DISPLAY_SKILLS #bindkey = [N] CMD_MEMORISE_SPELL #bindkey = [ö] CMD_EXPLORE bindkey = [B] CMD_OPEN_DOOR bindkey = [ü] CMD_DISPLAY_INVENTORY bindkey = [ü] CMD_MAP_FIND_STASH bindkey = [N] CMD_DISPLAY_SPELLS bindkey = [^P] CMD_DISPLAY_RELIGION bindkey = [Ö] CMD_REPLAY_MESSAGES bindkey = [^N] CMD_MAKE_NOTE bindkey = [p] CMD_DISPLAY_SKILLS bindkey = [Ä] CMD_MEMORISE_SPELL bindkey = [X] CMD_LOOK_AROUND bindkey = [K] CMD_DISPLAY_MAP #bindkey = [] CMD_INTERLEVEL_TRAVEL bindkey = [h] CMD_PICKUP bindkey = [n] CMD_DROP #bindkey = [N] CMD_NO_CMD_DEFAULT to spells for makro bindkey = [y] CMD_NO_CMD_DEFAULT bindkey = [Y] CMD_NO_CMD_DEFAULT bindkey = [^U] CMD_RESISTS_SCREEN bindkey = [k] CMD_FULL_VIEW #disabling swing-only keys when not overwritten bindkey = [^H] CMD_NO_CMD_DEFAULT bindkey = [^J] CMD_NO_CMD_DEFAULT #bindkey = [^K] CMD_NO_CMD_DEFAULT bindkey = [^L] CMD_NO_CMD_DEFAULT bindkey = [^Y] CMD_NO_CMD_DEFAULT #bindkey = [^U] CMD_NO_CMD_DEFAULT bindkey = [^B] CMD_NO_CMD_DEFAULT #bindkey = [^N] CMD_NO_CMD_DEFAULT #small_more = true force_more_message += finished your manual force_more_message += lose your buoyancy, life at own hands, running out #force_more_message += into view, too close, being watched by #force_more_message += into view, being watched by #force_more_message += being watched by force_more_message += out of view force_more_message += a sentinel.s mark forms upon you #force_more_message += deactivating autopickup #force_more_message+=autopickup is now off force_more_message += Your divine stamina fades away. force_more_message += magical contamination has completely faded away force_more_message += contaminate force_more_message += wrath finds you force_more_message += Your ring of flames is guttering out force_more_message += increases to level, levels and is now at level flash_screen_message += increases to level, levels and is now at level flash_screen_message += carrying a wand of flash_screen_message += wielding .* of distortion #for vampire runrest_ignore_message += very thirsty, almost devoid of blood, You feel devoid of blood, blood rots away, blood rot away rest_wait_both = true runrest_ignore_message += magical contamination|(magic), HP, #contam runrest_stop_message += magical contamination #syntax excludedregex|(matchedregex) doesnt seem to work, always matches. message_colour += mute:Cast which spell, mute:Aiming: message_colour += mute:Press: . . help. Shift.Dir message_colour += mute:Press: . . help. Dir . move target cursor message_colour += mute:Casting: message_colour += mute:Confirm with . or Enter. or press . or . to list all spells message_colour += mute:Your battlesphere fires rest_wait_percent = 98 cloud_status = true #confirm_action += ^Blink, auto_butcher = true confirm_butcher = never auto_eat_chunks = true explore_auto_rest = true #tile_full_screen = true #buggy? #tile_window_width = -90 #tile_window_height = -90 tile_skip_title = true default_manual_training = true dump_message_count = 100 #online defaults travel_delay = -1 rest_delay = -1 show_travel_trail = true