view_lock = false center_on_scroll = true show_travel_trail = true travel_delay = 0 restart_after_save = true restart_after_game = true rest_wait_both = true # rest waits for both mp and hp explore_wall_bias = 1 auto_butcher = satiated easy_eat_chunks = true # 'e' eats the oldest chunk without asking equip_unequip = true # equipping an already equipped item unequips it default_manual_training = true assign_item_slot = backward # poorly worded, causes new items to use # the slot after the last slot instead of the first free slot autofight_warning = 100 # require 100ms between tabs autofight_wait = true show_game_time = false # show player turns instead dump_order += turns_by_place, kills_by_place user_note_prefix = " note_hp_percent = 10