removed Level 1 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:1) a +0 club (8, -17, D:1) 18 stones (14, -3, D:1) 17 stones (14, 5, D:1) a stone (15, -7, D:1) 4 stones (17, -6, D:1) a stone (18, 1, D:1) a stone (32, 1, D:1) a +0 club (40, 5, D:1) 7 tomahawks (41, 12, D:1) a +0 club (48, 17, D:1) a +0 club Level 2 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:2) a +0 scale mail (2, 46, D:2) a +0 leather armour (8, -4, D:2) 13 poisoned needles (19, 34, D:2) a +0 leather armour (22, 43, D:2) a +0 mace of distortion (33, 23, D:2) 30 bolts (33, 25, D:2) 11 arrows (41, -8, D:2) a +0 club (42, -3, D:2) a +0 dagger (45, 44, D:2) a +0 dagger (52, 14, D:2) a +0 robe (54, 7, D:2) a +0 scale mail (56, -1, D:2) 11 stones Level 3 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:3) a +0 dagger (0, 19, D:3) a +0 club (2, 23, D:3) a +0 dagger (4, 6, D:3) 14 arrows (7, 13, D:3) a stone (8, 12, D:3) a stone (8, 14, D:3) a +0 leather armour (10, 11, D:3) a +0 club (10, 30, D:3) 13 poisoned needles (21, 2, D:3) a +0 scale mail (32, 6, D:3) a +0 whip 3 stones a +0 dagger (35, 28, D:3) a +0 chain mail (37, 19, D:3) a stone (41, 13, D:3) a cursed +0 flail (42, 17, D:3) a +0 leather armour (46, 6, D:3) 14 arrows Level 4 of the Dungeon (6, 6, D:4) a scroll of remove curse (7, 7, D:4) a scroll of identify (8, -19, D:4) a +0 leather armour (11, 13, D:4) a cursed -1 scale mail (12, 20, D:4) a +0 dagger (18, 14, D:4) a +0 robe (18, 15, D:4) a +0 quarterstaff (21, -4, D:4) a +0 ring mail (24, -4, D:4) 19 stones (29, -15, D:4) a +0 mace a +0 leather armour (29, 1, D:4) a +0 ring mail (33, -16, D:4) a +0 dagger a +0 leather armour (33, -15, D:4) a +0 dagger (34, -11, D:4) a +0 hand axe (35, -15, D:4) a +0 whip (44, -13, D:4) 16 stones (48, 14, D:4) a +0 club (51, -2, D:4) an uncursed amulet of inaccuracy (53, 15, D:4) 18 stones Level 5 of the Dungeon [Shop] Xuk Yvvye's Antique Weapon Shop the cursed +0 shortbow "Pisk" {venom, *Contam +Inv rPois Dex+8} (840 gold) It poisons the ammo it fires. It affects your dexterity (+8). It protects you from poison. It lets you turn invisible. It causes magical contamination when unequipped. It has a curse placed upon it. a +2 hand axe of chopping (462 gold) a +0 quarterstaff (112 gold) a +0 spear (84 gold) a +0 scimitar (112 gold) a +0 falchion (84 gold) a cursed -3 quarterstaff (2 gold) a +0 trident (98 gold) a +4 glaive of protection (834 gold) a +0 great mace (182 gold) a +2 trident of venom (453 gold) (0, 0, D:5) 20 stones (2, -10, D:5) 19 stones (4, -10, D:5) 27 stones (16, 4, D:5) 19 stones (18, -18, D:5) a +0 leather armour (18, 2, D:5) 5 tomahawks (32, -15, D:5) a meat ration (36, 31, D:5) a +0 rapier (38, 32, D:5) a +0 dagger a +0 robe (40, 35, D:5) a +3 dagger a +0 robe (41, -25, D:5) 19 sling bullets (45, 12, D:5) a cursed +0 scale mail (63, 3, D:5) a +0 rapier a +0 leather armour Level 6 of the Dungeon (2, 31, D:6) a +0 whip (5, 32, D:6) 12 arrows a +0 shortbow (6, 26, D:6) a +0 giant club (9, 36, D:6) 3 arrows (19, 38, D:6) a +0 halberd (40, 3, D:6) a +0 chain mail a +0 mace (41, 9, D:6) a +0 club a +0 spear (42, 9, D:6) a +0 club a +2 trident of freezing a +0 ring mail (43, 20, D:6) a +0 short sword a +0 chain mail (43, 21, D:6) a +0 mace a +0 scale mail a +0 flail Level 7 of the Dungeon (1, -23, D:7) a +0 scale mail (2, -22, D:7) a +0 ring mail (3, -25, D:7) a +4 short sword of holy wrath (3, -20, D:7) a +0 ring mail (4, -24, D:7) a +0 robe a +0 dagger (6, -30, D:7) a +1 whip of flaming a +0 robe (7, -29, D:7) a +0 hand axe (10, -30, D:7) a cursed +0 short sword a +0 robe (10, -29, D:7) a +0 spear 15 stones a +0 ring mail (11, -29, D:7) a +0 flail a +0 club a cursed -1 whip (11, -5, D:7) 5 arrows (13, -5, D:7) an arrow (14, -27, D:7) a stone (15, -26, D:7) a stone (16, -20, D:7) a tomahawk (18, -5, D:7) a +0 shortbow 22 arrows (21, -17, D:7) a +0 dagger a +0 club a +0 ring mail (22, -20, D:7) a +0 long sword a +0 robe (22, -17, D:7) a +0 hand axe (22, -12, D:7) a cursed +0 pair of gloves (23, -16, D:7) a +3 war axe a +0 robe (28, -28, D:7) a tomahawk (28, -24, D:7) a +0 buckler (39, -20, D:7) a +0 flail Level 8 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:8) a +0 flail (9, 1, D:8) a +0 robe (13, -16, D:8) a +0 flail (15, -36, D:8) a cursed -3 great mace (18, -13, D:8) 8 stones (19, -25, D:8) a +0 hand axe (19, -24, D:8) a +1 falchion of flaming a +0 scale mail a +0 hand axe a +0 plate armour a +0 dagger (19, -22, D:8) a +0 dagger a +0 robe (24, 6, D:8) 25 stones (33, 6, D:8) 18 poisoned needles (37, -6, D:8) 18 stones (41, -3, D:8) 2 large rocks (42, -17, D:8) a +3 ring mail a +1 chain mail of cold resistance (43, -23, D:8) a cursed +0 chain mail a +0 mace (43, -22, D:8) a +0 club a +0 leather armour a +0 hand axe (43, -12, D:8) a +0 spear (43, -11, D:8) a +0 spear (44, -11, D:8) a +0 whip (44, -3, D:8) 2 large rocks (45, -11, D:8) a +0 halberd (47, -18, D:8) a +0 leather armour Level 9 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:9) 20 sling bullets (3, 2, D:9) a +1 pair of gloves a +0 robe (7, -12, D:9) 12 poisoned needles (16, -16, D:9) 24 stones (17, -23, D:9) an arrow (17, -4, D:9) a +0 shortbow 19 arrows (17, -2, D:9) an arrow (17, 0, D:9) an arrow (19, 2, D:9) a +0 flail (21, -28, D:9) an arrow (22, -29, D:9) a +0 shortbow 12 arrows (23, -28, D:9) an arrow (25, -23, D:9) a +0 robe a +0 dagger (26, -22, D:9) a +0 mace a +0 robe a +2 vampiric dagger (34, -15, D:9) 14 stones (35, -26, D:9) a +0 giant spiked club a +0 giant spiked club (35, 2, D:9) 26 stones (41, -15, D:9) a +0 pair of boots (43, -28, D:9) a +0 battleaxe (47, 8, D:9) 20 stones Level 10 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:10) a stone (1, 0, D:10) a +0 club 3 stones a +0 giant club a +0 giant club (2, -20, D:10) a +0 short sword a +0 chain mail (3, -26, D:10) a +0 hand axe a +0 scale mail (3, -25, D:10) a +0 flail a +0 leather armour (3, 3, D:10) a +0 cloak a +0 dagger (4, -26, D:10) a +0 club a +0 leather armour (6, 0, D:10) a stone (7, -12, D:10) a +0 giant club a +0 robe (10, -4, D:10) a +0 dagger a +0 ring mail (10, 4, D:10) a +0 dagger (11, -5, D:10) a +0 club (11, -4, D:10) a +0 club a +0 leather armour (13, -2, D:10) a sack of spiders (21, 3, D:10) a +0 club (21, 17, D:10) a +0 robe (22, -7, D:10) 3 large rocks a +0 giant spiked club a +0 giant club (22, 13, D:10) a +0 mace (25, -5, D:10) a crystal ball of energy (25, 1, D:10) 22 stones (28, -19, D:10) a +2 dagger of venom (28, 13, D:10) a +0 whip (31, 16, D:10) a cursed +0 pair of gloves (32, -6, D:10) a potion of degeneration (32, -4, D:10) an uncursed staff of poison an uncursed staff of poison an uncursed staff of poison (38, -14, D:10) 18 poisoned needles (39, -8, D:10) a cursed +0 scale mail (42, -14, D:10) a +0 hand crossbow (48, -14, D:10) a cursed -2 shortbow (48, -3, D:10) 20 stones (59, -9, D:10) a +0 giant club (66, -8, D:10) a +0 club Level 11 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:11) 14 bolts (1, 21, D:11) a cursed -3 giant club (25, 20, D:11) 17 stones (26, -4, D:11) a +0 flail (48, -18, D:11) 16 stones (50, -5, D:11) a +0 hand crossbow Level 12 of the Dungeon (0, 2, D:12) a +0 battleaxe (0, 3, D:12) a +0 halberd a +0 dire flail (0, 4, D:12) a +0 long sword (0, 10, D:12) a +0 trident (11, 37, D:12) 30 bolts (17, 37, D:12) 21 stones (18, 1, D:12) 14 arrows (24, 14, D:12) a +0 robe a +0 dagger (24, 15, D:12) a +0 hand axe a +0 leather armour a +0 flail (25, 15, D:12) a cursed -2 trident (27, 29, D:12) 20 arrows (29, 14, D:12) a +0 robe a +0 dagger (32, 23, D:12) 2 large rocks (35, 30, D:12) 4 large rocks (39, 29, D:12) a +0 giant club (42, 3, D:12) a +0 giant club (44, 5, D:12) an arrow (45, 5, D:12) an arrow (46, 8, D:12) an arrow (46, 20, D:12) 23 stones (48, 12, D:12) 16 arrows a +3 shortbow (54, 1, D:12) a +0 war axe Level 13 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:13) a +0 trident a +0 plate armour (1, -1, D:13) a +0 club a +3 ring mail a +0 dagger of draining a +0 robe (11, -23, D:13) a wand of iceblast (9/15) a wand of disintegration (12/24) (11, -8, D:13) a +0 plate armour (14, -28, D:13) a +0 long sword (19, -32, D:13) a +2 scimitar of flaming (21, -31, D:13) a +0 giant club a cursed -3 giant spiked club (29, 8, D:13) 18 arrows (35, -13, D:13) 9 bolts (35, 10, D:13) 26 sling bullets (35, 11, D:13) 2 potions of blood (37, -30, D:13) a cursed -3 club (39, -18, D:13) 4 large rocks (41, -19, D:13) a +0 falchion (41, -18, D:13) a +0 morningstar a +0 ring mail (42, -20, D:13) a +0 dagger a +0 robe (42, -19, D:13) a +0 mace (44, 12, D:13) a +0 giant spiked club (53, -3, D:13) a +0 long sword a +0 robe (53, 0, D:13) a cursed +0 long sword a +0 robe (53, 1, D:13) a +0 short sword a +0 robe (53, 2, D:13) a cursed +0 spear a +0 robe Level 14 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:14) a +0 helmet (2, 41, D:14) a +0 giant spiked club a +0 dire flail (3, 4, D:14) 13 arrows (10, 30, D:14) 13 bolts (11, -1, D:14) a book of Air 3 scrolls of immolation (13, 7, D:14) a +0 troll leather armour (13, 10, D:14) a +0 flail (15, 10, D:14) 3 large rocks (20, 32, D:14) a +0 long sword a +0 robe (21, 30, D:14) a cursed +0 battleaxe a +0 robe (21, 31, D:14) a cursed +0 dire flail a cursed +0 robe (22, -5, D:14) a +0 mace (23, 20, D:14) a +0 leather armour (26, 35, D:14) a +0 dire flail a +0 robe (35, 12, D:14) a cursed -2 hand crossbow (37, 39, D:14) a +0 hand axe (41, -10, D:14) 21 stones (43, 19, D:14) a +1 quarterstaff of speed (44, -4, D:14) a +0 dire flail a +0 giant club (50, 20, D:14) a +0 scale mail (50, 26, D:14) a +0 halberd (51, 39, D:14) a +0 pair of boots Level 15 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:15) a stone (0, 3, D:15) a stone a cursed +0 dagger a +0 robe a +0 dagger a +0 robe (0, 17, D:15) a +0 short sword a +0 short sword a +0 broad axe a +0 chain mail (1, -2, D:15) a +0 dagger 2 stones (1, 0, D:15) a +0 dagger a +0 robe (1, 2, D:15) a +0 dagger a +0 blowgun (1, 3, D:15) a +0 whip (1, 4, D:15) a +0 short sword (2, 14, D:15) a +0 ring mail (5, 4, D:15) a stone (7, 15, D:15) 14 poisoned needles (10, 22, D:15) a wand of confusion (39/48) (12, -18, D:15) 18 sling bullets (14, -13, D:15) a +0 dagger (15, -3, D:15) 25 arrows (18, -23, D:15) a +0 dagger a cursed +0 robe (18, -2, D:15) a +0 robe (24, 13, D:15) 4 large rocks (24, 27, D:15) a +1 scimitar of flaming (26, -27, D:15) a +0 giant spiked club a +0 giant club (27, -27, D:15) a cursed -2 giant club a +0 giant club a +0 giant club a +0 flail a +0 robe (28, -27, D:15) a +0 giant club a +0 giant spiked club (28, 16, D:15) the +5 hand crossbow of Saol {penet, rElec} Ammo fired by it will pass through the targets it hits, potentially hitting all targets in its path until it reaches maximum range. It insulates you from electricity. (35, -21, D:15) a +0 pair of gloves (38, -27, D:15) a +0 pair of gloves (40, 21, D:15) a +0 giant spiked club a +0 giant club a +2 war axe of electrocution a +0 ring mail a +0 shield a cursed +0 dire flail a +0 dire flail (41, 21, D:15) a +0 buckler 2 large rocks (45, 24, D:15) 2 large rocks (46, 19, D:15) a wand of paralysis (1/24) a wand of iceblast (3/15) a wand of clouds (6/9) a wand of acid (4/15) a wand of iceblast (6/15) (47, -27, D:15) a +0 giant club a +0 dire flail (51, -25, D:15) 16 stones (54, -11, D:15) 15 bolts (55, -11, D:15) 4 large rocks Level 1 of the Orcish Mines (0, 0, Orc:1) a +0 giant club (0, 1, Orc:1) a +0 leather armour a +0 club (0, 2, Orc:1) a +0 chain mail a +0 battleaxe (0, 3, Orc:1) a +0 leather armour a +0 club (1, -9, Orc:1) a +0 ring mail a +0 leather armour a +0 flail a +0 hand axe (1, 0, Orc:1) a +0 trident (1, 1, Orc:1) a +0 hand axe a +0 hand axe a +0 ring mail (9, -11, Orc:1) a +0 chain mail a +0 long sword (13, -34, Orc:1) a +0 battleaxe a +0 plate armour (16, -26, Orc:1) a +0 robe a +0 dagger (16, -25, Orc:1) a cursed -1 whip (17, -25, Orc:1) a +0 plate armour a +0 hand axe (20, -5, Orc:1) 24 gold pieces (23, -5, Orc:1) the +10 large shield of Ignorance {rN+ Int-4} It affects your intelligence (-4). It protects you from negative energy. (27, -34, Orc:1) a +0 trident a +0 plate armour (27, -33, Orc:1) a +0 dagger a +0 robe (28, -33, Orc:1) a +0 mace (29, -27, Orc:1) a +0 short sword (30, -28, Orc:1) a +0 club (30, -27, Orc:1) an uncursed staff of conjuration (37, -10, Orc:1) a +0 falchion 5 tomahawks (37, -9, Orc:1) a +0 battleaxe a +0 chain mail a +0 mace Level 2 of the Orcish Mines [Shop] Mawer's Antique Armour Shoppe a +3 ring mail of fire resistance (598 gold) a +0 leather armour (46 gold) a +8 plate armour of ponderousness (920 gold) a +2 leather armour of cold resistance (437 gold) the +2 robe "Becorit" {rPois rF+} (664 gold) It protects you from fire. It protects you from poison. a cursed +0 plate armour (460 gold) a +0 large shield of protection (264 gold) a +0 ring mail (92 gold) a +0 robe (16 gold) a +0 cloak (103 gold) a +1 plate armour of positive energy (736 gold) a +0 shield (103 gold) [Shop] Oskewnu's Jewellery Boutique the amulet of Incredulity {Inacc rPois} (107 gold) [amulet of inaccuracy] It reduces the accuracy of all your attacks. It protects you from poison. a cursed -2 ring of protection (28 gold) an uncursed amulet of regeneration (420 gold) an uncursed amulet of harm (420 gold) an uncursed ring of poison resistance (280 gold) an uncursed ring of magical power (280 gold) an uncursed ring of see invisible (210 gold) a cursed ring of loudness (63 gold) a cursed ring of loudness (63 gold) a +4 ring of strength (378 gold) a +4 amulet of reflection (378 gold) [Shop] Ozail's General Store a scroll of identify (28 gold) a potion of flight (42 gold) a scroll of amnesia (49 gold) a phantom mirror (420 gold) a +0 leather armour (28 gold) a wand of disintegration (20/24) (336 gold) 2 potions of heal wounds (140 gold) [Shop] Zeax's Antique Weapon Boutique a +0 spear (102 gold) a +0 longbow (153 gold) a +3 great sword of slicing (907 gold) a +0 short sword (102 gold) a +0 shortbow (102 gold) a +0 short sword (102 gold) the +7 broad axe "Jyit" {chop, MR+} (1822 gold) It inflicts extra damage upon your enemies. It affects your resistance to hostile enchantments. a +0 hand axe (102 gold) a +0 rapier (136 gold) (0, 0, Orc:2) a +0 giant club (5, 5, Orc:2) a +0 dire flail a +0 chain mail (5, 6, Orc:2) a +2 hand axe of chopping (6, 6, Orc:2) a +0 war axe a +0 leather armour (10, 3, Orc:2) a +0 giant spiked club a +0 trident a +0 club (11, -4, Orc:2) a +3 flail a +0 chain mail (11, 4, Orc:2) a +0 short sword a +0 scimitar a +0 plate armour (12, 4, Orc:2) a +0 hand axe a +0 hand axe a +1 long sword a cursed +0 plate armour (13, 4, Orc:2) a +2 vampiric whip a +0 leather armour (13, 5, Orc:2) a +0 dire flail a +0 plate armour (19, 8, Orc:2) a +1 plate armour of cold resistance (19, 9, Orc:2) a +1 pair of gloves (20, -11, Orc:2) a +0 dagger a +0 robe a +0 troll leather armour (21, -11, Orc:2) a cursed -3 mace a +0 leather armour (21, 0, Orc:2) a cursed -1 giant club (22, -2, Orc:2) a +0 dire flail a +0 plate armour (22, 11, Orc:2) a +0 battleaxe a +0 chain mail (23, -2, Orc:2) a +0 flail a +0 plate armour a +0 battleaxe a +0 plate armour (23, 14, Orc:2) a +0 hand axe a +0 plate armour 5 tomahawks (24, -3, Orc:2) a +0 great sword a +0 chain mail of poison resistance (28, 15, Orc:2) a +1 bardiche a +0 chain mail (29, -4, Orc:2) a +0 dagger a +0 short sword a +0 trident (29, -3, Orc:2) a +0 dagger a +0 robe (29, 14, Orc:2) a +0 dagger (30, -3, Orc:2) a +0 falchion (30, 14, Orc:2) a +0 morningstar a +0 dire flail a +0 chain mail (30, 17, Orc:2) a tomahawk (30, 18, Orc:2) a tomahawk (31, 13, Orc:2) a +0 war axe a +0 plate armour (31, 14, Orc:2) a +0 short sword a +0 ring mail (33, 12, Orc:2) a +0 dire flail a +0 plate armour (34, -7, Orc:2) a bolt (35, -8, Orc:2) a +2 dire flail of protection a +0 plate armour a bolt (36, -9, Orc:2) a +0 giant club (36, 9, Orc:2) a cursed -1 trident (37, -9, Orc:2) a bolt (37, -5, Orc:2) a +0 dire flail a +0 chain mail (38, -10, Orc:2) a cursed +0 dagger a +0 robe (38, -4, Orc:2) a +0 short sword a +0 plate armour (38, 22, Orc:2) a cursed -3 trident a +0 plate armour (39, -7, Orc:2) a +0 scimitar a +0 chain mail of fire resistance (39, -6, Orc:2) a +0 battleaxe (39, 21, Orc:2) a +0 chain mail a +0 flail (41, -10, Orc:2) a cursed -2 arbalest a +0 war axe 17 bolts a +0 chain mail (42, 14, Orc:2) a +0 robe a +0 dagger (43, 12, Orc:2) a +0 giant spiked club (43, 18, Orc:2) a +0 plate armour a +0 broad axe (45, 0, Orc:2) a +0 dagger a +0 robe (45, 1, Orc:2) a cursed -1 falchion a +0 leather armour (46, 0, Orc:2) a +0 short sword a +0 ring mail a +0 mace a +0 chain mail (46, 12, Orc:2) a +0 plate armour a +0 long sword of holy wrath (47, 8, Orc:2) a +1 hand axe of electrocution a +0 scale mail (47, 13, Orc:2) a +0 chain mail a +0 mace a +2 robe of magic resistance a +0 dagger Level 1 of the Lair of Beasts (0, 0, Lair:1) a +0 rapier (23, -39, Lair:1) 9 stones (23, -18, Lair:1) a +0 robe (46, -18, Lair:1) 20 arrows Level 2 of the Lair of Beasts (0, 0, Lair:2) a potion of invisibility (12, -1, Lair:2) 12 stones (40, 22, Lair:2) a +0 broad axe (43, 32, Lair:2) 15 stones Level 3 of the Lair of Beasts (0, 0, Lair:3) a +0 short sword (10, 7, Lair:3) a book of Necromancy the Disquisition on Displacement Spells Type Level a - Shroud of Golubria Charms/Translocation 2 b - Blink Translocation 2 (10, 11, Lair:3) a +0 robe of positive energy a +2 dagger of venom (24, -4, Lair:3) a +0 short sword (26, 4, Lair:3) a +0 short sword (28, -18, Lair:3) a +0 scale mail (45, 9, Lair:3) a +0 blowgun (56, -28, Lair:3) 10 gold pieces Level 4 of the Lair of Beasts (0, 0, Lair:4) a javelin (2, 0, Lair:4) a +4 long sword 2 javelins a cursed +0 chain mail (9, 0, Lair:4) 3 javelins (12, 1, Lair:4) a wand of acid (0/15) a wand of iceblast (0/15) a wand of acid (0/15) a +2 amulet of reflection a +3 amulet of reflection a +0 trident a +0 mace a +0 club (12, 2, Lair:4) the +0 leather armour of Saagom {*Drain rPois Regen+ Str+8} It affects your strength (+8). It protects you from poison. It increases your rate of regeneration. It causes draining when unequipped. (25, 24, Lair:4) the +11 plutonium sword {*Contam Stlth-} It causes magical contamination when unequipped. It makes you less stealthy. (26, 1, Lair:4) a scroll of noise (27, 14, Lair:4) 14 sling bullets (28, -3, Lair:4) 17 stones (34, 7, Lair:4) 19 sling bullets (52, 8, Lair:4) a +0 chain mail Level 5 of the Lair of Beasts (0, 24, Lair:5) 28 sling bullets (5, -3, Lair:5) a +0 shield (5, 6, Lair:5) a +0 shield (12, 7, Lair:5) a +0 hat (16, 2, Lair:5) 20 stones (17, 20, Lair:5) 15 sling bullets (19, -18, Lair:5) a wand of flame (24/48) (25, -20, Lair:5) an uncursed ring of teleportation (34, -27, Lair:5) a book of Flames (34, 6, Lair:5) a +0 scale mail Level 6 of the Lair of Beasts (0, 0, Lair:6) an uncursed staff of fire (2, -8, Lair:6) a +0 mace (6, -40, Lair:6) 17 stones (21, -7, Lair:6) a +0 dagger a +0 robe (44, -39, Lair:6) 24 arrows (45, -13, Lair:6) a +0 mace (48, -27, Lair:6) a +0 trident of flaming (50, -40, Lair:6) a book of Power (60, -45, Lair:6) 15 stones (61, -26, Lair:6) 13 poisoned needles (65, -24, Lair:6) a phial of floods Level 1 of the Spider Nest (0, 0, Spider:1) a redback corpse (1, -18, Spider:1) a +2 ring of dexterity (1, -1, Spider:1) a redback corpse (1, 0, Spider:1) a jumping spider corpse a redback corpse (3, -3, Spider:1) a demonic crawler corpse (5, -23, Spider:1) a +0 ring mail (5, -16, Spider:1) a book of Beasts (8, -10, Spider:1) a +0 rapier (11, -20, Spider:1) a meat ration (12, -20, Spider:1) an uncursed ring of poison resistance