Azzok the Dungeon (3, 2, D) a +5 triple sword (unseen) (3, 3, D) a +5 lajatang (3, 4, D) 1000 sling bullets (unseen) (4, 2, D) a +5 quick blade (unseen) (4, 3, D) a +5 giant spiked club (unseen) (4, 4, D) a +5 bardiche (unseen) (4, 5, D) a +5 battleaxe a +5 broad axe (4, 7, D) a +3 large shield (unseen) (4, 8, D) a +5 crystal plate armour (unseen) (10, 1, D) the +9 heavy crossbow "Sniper" {velocity, Acc+∞ SInv} Any bolt fired from it inflicts extra damage. It lets you see invisible. the +10 dark maul {crush} It inflicts extra damage upon your enemies. the cursed +14 obsidian axe {chop, +Fly SInv *Curse} It inflicts extra damage upon your enemies. It lets you see invisible. It lets you fly. It curses itself when equipped. It has a curse placed upon it. (11, 1, D) the +7 great mace "Firestarter" {inner flame, rF++} It has been specially enchanted to burn those struck by it, causing extra injury to most foes and up to half again as much damage against particularly susceptible opponents. It greatly protects you from fire. (unseen) (73, 1, D) a +3 dagger of draining (75, 1, D) a cursed staff of power